February 27 Fig City News Newton Neighbors: Summer Camp fund drive
March 8 Newton Beacon Newton Neighbors helping pay summer camp costs for low-income families
November 12 Fig City News Newton Neighbors brings joy with the Bruce Hugh Wilson “Giving Thanks” drive
August 1 Boston Globe Newton Neighbors seek school supplies donations, volunteers for food pantry
January 19 Boston Globe Newton Neighbors seeks volunteers for food pantry deliveries
November 16 BC Heights Newton Neighbors Holds Thanksgiving Card Drive
August 17 Newton Patch The Street Chestnut Hill To Host School Supplies Drive
June 23 Newton Patch Got An Extra Bicycle? Newton Group Hopes You'll Donate It
April 7 Newton Tab One year after COVID, Newton volunteer group expanding, still helping neighbors
March 14 BC Heights Newton Project Takeout And Nourishing Newton Support
February 28 The Heights The Community Newton Food Pantry Introduces Community Freedge
November 19 Newton Patch Newton's Favorite Local Charities Of 2020: List
October 6 Newton Tab Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors 'a living organism of community members'
September 11 Village14 Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors
August 3 Newton Tab Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors group grows over 3,600 members
April 15 Boston Globe "You are not alone. There is hope." As coronavirus outbreak spreads, so does