Dear Neighbors,
The crisp early morning air is a refreshing change from the hot weather of summer. It has been a busy two weeks with the start of school. To kick off the school year, our team at Newton Neighbors was thrilled to welcome September with a very successful school supplies drive. Thank you to our generous community, The Street Chestnut Hill and The Village Bank for making it happen!

Some of the 150 school supplies backpacks ready to distribute
Volunteer Opportunities with a Great Group of People!
As we look forward to the fall, we are reaching out to share some volunteer opportunities with you. Whether you are interested in a one-time opportunity or volunteering more regularly, scroll below for terrific ways to support neighbors and learn more about resources in our community. According to volunteer Deanna C.:
Volunteering is how I express my gratitude for the support my family received as a child and how I pay that kindness forward. Volunteering creates an atmosphere of communal support and kindness that binds us. I feel so much closer to the Newton community through those efforts.
Bulk Food Delivery
NN’s bulk food delivery program is looking for short- and long-term volunteers to join us in delivering fresh produce from local food rescue organizations to MetroWest and South Area food pantries. Help bridge that last link in the distribution chain and provide good food to so many who need it. Commitments range from once in a while to once every 4-6 weeks, or even more. Please reach out to us at to volunteer or find out more.
Every other Thursday NN volunteers pick up and deliver food to the Freedge from the Newton Food Pantry and business partners like Sweet Tomatoes, Tatte and Sandwich Works. Our volunteers ensure that the Freedge is clean and organized. If you’d like to get involved with our
Freedge team, we’d love to have you on board! We have slots available for September, October and November.
Sign up for September, October and November:
If you have food or personal care items to donate to the Freedge, you can take them directly to the Freedge at 420 Watertown Street (in the parking lot of Central Drapery and Dry Cleaning) or drop them off at 174 Oliver Road, Waban.
Food Pantry Delivery: Looking for Volunteers for September and October
We are looking for volunteers to help us deliver from food pantries in Newton to families who are unable to access the pantries themselves. We need drivers for September and October!
Delivery usually takes about an hour to complete. You can sign up to deliver during one or more of the following times:
Wednesday afternoons from Newton Food Pantry, pick up food at assigned times between 12:15 - 2:45pm.
The 3rd Friday of the month from the American Legion Nonantum Post 440 Mobile Food Bank, pick up food 9 - 9:15am before the pantry opens to the public
The first Saturday of the month from Centre Street Food Pantry, pick up food between 1:30 - 2:30pm after the pantry is open to the public.
September Signups:
October Signups:
Upcoming Events This Fall

Ongoing Through October 18: SNAP and Coupon Benefits at Newton Farmers Market
Cold Spring Park
1094 Beacon Street, Newton
Tuesdays through October 18, 1:30pm- 6:00pm
SNAP customers can receive a match on their SNAP dollars, up to $10 extra each week, when using their EBT card. Visit the Market Manager’s booth to swipe your card and receive market coins. This generous contribution is made possible by The Village Bank.
The coupon program gives seniors and families coupons to buy fresh fruits and vegetables Stop by the Market Manager’s booth to learn more.

Ongoing Through October 16: Focus Groups for Village Center Zoning Updates
The City of Newton is collecting input on a set of proposed updates for village center zoning through October 16, 2022. Zoning is important because it regulates how land in Newton can be developed and what kinds of new buildings are allowed. For example, zoning can influence the activities of stores and businesses through parking and density requirements, requirements for green and public spaces in new developments, or the amount of housing supply near public transportation. Click here for the feedback tool.
To further equitable outreach, the City is working with community members to host focus groups for the following identities:
Younger people (15-24 and 25-35)
People with disabilities
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color
If you identify with one of the entities and are interested in attending a focus group to give your input on the village center zoning proposals, please fill this form out!
Click here For all information about village center zoning redesign.

September 17: Family ACCESS Literacy Day
Saturday, September 17, 11am - 1pm
493 Waltham Street, West Newton
Family ACCESS Literacy Day is an event to celebrate the grand opening of our two Little Free Libraries! They will be located on our property for the community to share their love for reading. There will be a community book swap, live music and family arts and crafts. It’s a fun way to spend a Saturday morning with your family and other families in the community.
All are welcome, so please share with family, friends, neighbors, and on social media.Admissions is free, but we ask that you RSVP here.
Support Family ACCESS literacy programs by:
Donating gently loved or new books to our book swap and Little Free Libraries. Children's and parenting books only, please! Drop off your donations at Family ACCESS from| Monday to Friday, 8am - 6pm.
Buy a book off of our Amazon wishlist for our Little Free Libraries and ongoing literacy work.

October 10: Indigenous Peoples Day in Newton
Monday, October 10, 11am - 6pm
Albemarle Park
This fun, family-friendly annual event celebrates and honors Indigenous people. This year it features dozens of Indigenous artists and over 20 Indigenous vendors!
Spend the whole day or drop by for a while. Learn about Indigenous dance, music and art. Catch up with old friends and meet new people. Shop the marketplace and enjoy some delicious Indigenous food.
Volunteers needed! Click here to sign up to volunteer.

News from CAN-DO: Child Tax Credit and Discounted Internet Service
CAN-DO (Citizens for Affordable Housing in Newton Development Organization) is reaching out with information on federal resources available to families and individuals.
Child tax credit
It is not too late for families to claim their 2021 child tax credit payments!
Prior to tax year 2021, if a family did not make enough money to file a federal income tax form, they did not benefit from the child tax credit. Under ARPA families with incomes below $150,000 received a tax credit for each of their children under 17 years of age. For each child under 6 years of age families received a credit of $3600, for each child over 6 up to 17 they received $3,000. For example, a family with two children, one in each age group, was entitled to a credit in the amount of $7,600 for the year. From July through December of 2021, that family received a monthly payment of ($3,800 divided by 6) from the federal government. In order to obtain the remaining half of the child tax credit or $3,800, the family had to file a 2021 federal tax return.
Many families that have not had to file income tax returns in the past because they did not make enough money must file a return for 2021 to claim the other half of their tax credit. The government has set up what is called a “nonfiler” portal specifically for those families within certain income limits, who do not usually file taxes, to claim the remaining half of the tax credit as well as any missing amount of the third stimulus payment.
Discounted internet service
A program now available to anyone with an income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level or anyone who receives certain governmental safety net programs such as WIC, SNAP or Medicaid is a discounted internet service which provides:
A $30 discount on internet service payment
In some instances, depending upon the carrier, a $100 discount on the purchase of an IPAD, Chromebook or a laptop
CAN-DO is providing two QR codes below: one for families to claim the child tax credit and the other to apply for discounted internet service. You can also follow this link. A family with children can benefit from both programs.
